Rocket Comics

Celebrating the Joys of Comics since 1991


Welcome Back to Rocket Comics!

The original Rocket Comics logo.
The original Rocket Comics logo.

In 1991, Mack Richardson opened the doors of Rocket Comics in Burlington, NC. It was an exciting time to be a comic book fan and, doubly so, for those who wanted to share their love of comics with others. Mack's shop was a place where fans could gather, talk about their favorite characters, and discover new stories. It was a comic book shop meant for comic book fans.

An early advertisement for Rocket Comics in the Burlington-Times News.
An early advertisement for Rocket Comics in the Burlington-Times News.

Even though the shop has been closed for many years now, the spirit of Rocket Comics lives on. This site is a tribute to the shop and the fans who made it a special place.

The comic book industry (and world, at large) has changed so much over the last 30 years. In many ways, it seems to be a much more challenging environment to successfully operate a comic book shop. That being said, plans are in the works to reopen Rocket Comics. Stay tuned!

Rocket Comics Memories

Please excuse the quality of some of these photos. Higher quality scans are in the works.

Thank You for Visiting Rocket Comics

We hope you enjoyed your trip down memory lane with Rocket Comics. If you did, please share the site with others who would appreciate a nostalgic pop culture journey or were Rocket Comics' customers.

If you have any photos, videos or articles featuring Rocket Comics, please contact Mack Richardson ( about adding them to the site.

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